Boy I have been chomping at the bit over this for a week! I wanted to make sure I could pull it together before I told you~
Ok So here it is...As you know I have a section in Stars n Scraps Quilt Shop
Well they will have a booth in Road 2 California,(large quilt show in Ontario Convention Center) as every year, but this year they are taking ME with them, well my patterns anyway! I am going to Road!!! I will have a section in their spot!!! I cannot believe how generous they are! I am just a small timer, But I get to go to the Big Show!!! I am so Raquel and Pam as well as the whole wonderful Staff there! They will be in the main hall on row 300!! They are excited to be in the main hall this year and to have a bigger space as well.
I hope things go well, I hope people like my patterns, I hope Stars n Scraps sell a lot of kits n fabric...This is a great show lots of people attend and lots of great vendors will be there! I can't wait to go, it's my favorite quilt show...
This looks like a slow day? HA! Or maybe towards the very beginning of the day, if you look at the top portion of the picture you can see the hoards of people coming in! Most of the show is shoulder to shoulder...hard to see everything and harder to keep track of your friends who went with you! lol best way for me to do the show is set up a meeting place at the end of each isle or block of vendors, so you won't loose any time waiting for each other in each booth...then you can look without worry! I went to the show by myself one year...I ran into more people I knew while I was there than if I had people with me, so it wasn't too bad going stag! lol! Bring a tote bag to carry all your purchases and light jacket with you, it does get warm in there, no carts or strollers allowed, cash is always better, but most will take credit cards now, there are places inside to eat, its expensive but you do need to eat!
Amazing quilts, designs you can't believe, images you won't believe someone created that from fabric! Incredible talent there! It starts my creativity flowing and I feel so good to be in the presence of such talented artists!
Well I hope you get a chance to go...maybe I will see you there on Thursday I will most likely be there all day. Drive safe, and be ready to shop, these vendors work very hard to put together a show to spark your imagination and stir your creativity!!!
Stop by Stars n Scraps and tell them Wildoberry Farms Sent you over! That would be very nice for them to hear!!! xo
Thank you all so very much for your never ending support and love! I am grateful for each of you who log in to read my latest babbles, purchase my patterns or just send me such lovely comments!!! It just blows my mind!!! Thank you all, God Bless you !!!
Huggs n Stitches, xo Deb
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