This oneis Witches Flight #1012 this pattern is $9.00 and the one below is Harvest Moon Candle Mat it is a kit that includes all the wool felt and the pattern for $11.99
There are 2 Christmas patterns below...
We are gearing up for our Boutique on Dec 1st here at home. We have lots planned and hope you will be able to stop by and get into the Christmas frame of mind...
Check us out on Facebook, Wildoberry Farms...and also Salvage Chicks n Co
Lots of plans for Wildoberry Farms, new patterns coming out every month.
We hope you are enjoying the Fall weather and beauty that comes with her...This is truly my favorite time of year. Kids of all ages enjoy Trick or Treating...That one night of controlled mayhem! Moms spending countless hours on costumes. Dad's trying to keep track of their popular costumed goblin! Then the ultimate belly ache as a result of a quick dinner, too much candy and too much running babies are no longer I will miss that this year...we did have some great times, lots of laughs and it was a great chance to catch up with neighbors we didn't always see..OH Please just have so much fun!
We hope you are enjoying the Fall weather and beauty that comes with her...This is truly my favorite time of year. Kids of all ages enjoy Trick or Treating...That one night of controlled mayhem! Moms spending countless hours on costumes. Dad's trying to keep track of their popular costumed goblin! Then the ultimate belly ache as a result of a quick dinner, too much candy and too much running babies are no longer I will miss that this year...we did have some great times, lots of laughs and it was a great chance to catch up with neighbors we didn't always see..OH Please just have so much fun!
Fall just brings our the greatest decorations that warm the family home, that welcomes families to come together and take a brief moment to catch up and share their love of one another, we eat too much and complain as we are headed for seconds! Its just too good we say!... family stories of the past are told to the little ones, and the embarrassing ones told to the newly added members...we sit around and reminisce about the "good ole days"... we remember those we lost and share those memories too!...there is just such a connection surrounding this time, and as quick as it comes its gone again till next year. Treasure this time with your loved ones and Be Ever So Thankful...For all you have together...
Happy Fall, I can never say this enough...Be Blessed and be Happy, xo Deb
The one above is a red work pattern and its called Hark the Herald Angels Sing, $9.00 and the snowman here is a dish towel kit includes the muslin and the cotton dish towel and pattern $13.99
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