This is Our Wiley Catatoty, He has been with us for 13 wonderful years. He is the best cat, never scratched the furniture or potty'ed outside of the cat box He is the care taker for all of the household. Wiley is a love. He loves everyone and I do mean everyone!
The day Wiley found us, I was picking up some dog food at the pet store. They had some rescued cats and dogs from the shelter. I was thinking about my Brother in law who had just recently lost his kitty of several years "Roof Walker" or Roofy for short. Any way, I looked and saw this beautiful kitty. "Cloudy" was an orange and white short hair, he was 3 years old, and had a big boned frame. I thought my Sister n law and Brother n law would love this guy. He looked similar to what Wiley's picture is above, only much larger in size. They could have been related So, after a few phone calls, I decided to get him for my Brother in law as a birthday gift. Well, while waiting for the ladies to finish the paper work for "Cloudy", I wandered around looking at the cages of kitty's Wiley, who was "Sonny" at the time was huddled in the corner of the cage scared to death. I asked to see him, they took him out of the cage and he buried his head in my neck. I just didn't have the heart to put him back in that cage, he needed to come home with us! I called my husband to talk to him about it. I knew I already loved him. I knew my Husband would fall in love with him too! He has been the best kitty ever. He just fit right in. We now have 5 pets, 2 dogs both rescues, and 3 kitty's, 2 rescue's and one from a friends litter of kittens. Happily there is harmony here among all 5 pets, and Wiley cares for each of them. He makes sure he sees everyone everyday. That is why they are here. To love us and show us how to love, unconditionally.
Well maybe you have guessed what I'm about to tell you. Our wonderful Wiley is sick. We took Wiley in to have his dew claw removed from his paw, it had just grown in a little but it was looking puffy and sore. The Dr then noticed he has lost a lot of weight for his size. So she did what every Vet would do is give him a good once over. That's when she found it, a growth in his abdomen area. Even as I am writhing this, I still can't believe it. He has lymphoma, and it is in his intestines We are all just heart sick over it. I wish he could tell us how he feels, so we could help him. We have weighed all the options and we have decided to just let this run its course since it seems to be in the later stage. We are not ok with him suffering at all, and a surgery will take a major tole on him especially where the cancer is. Dr Black said we have anywhere from moments to a year. I hope and pray he will be with us for a long while.
For now he seems comfortable and kind of following his routine like normal. Eating and drinking, playing with a string a bit. He has changed some things, like he really doesn't seem to meow as much as before, but is still affectionate and purrs when you are petting him and talking with him. We are hopeful he will be around with us for a while, but we are prepared for the worst.
We are ever hopeful,
Thanks so much for listening
Love, The Lee Family
Today was Christmas, and Wiley had a very good day, he got his favorite thing in the whole world...a scratching box with catnip! He was on cloud 9!!
Wiley had a good day today...Thank God for the little things.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Christmas Time...
Merry Christmas to all~
I am writing early because as Christmas gets closer, the more crazy I get! Right now, Dec 19th I have yet to even start my Christmas Shopping! My babies are not so much babies anymore...22 & 19 now. So they are much easier to shop for...Money, wrapped with Money, inside Money= Money! Although if my Daughters stocking isn't right, it won't be a good day! I remember when she was 9, I forgot the stockings...boy did I hear about that, and she reminded me again this year, to not forget...she is truly her fathers daughter...he never forgets anything either!
Well last we left off, I was getting ready for the Christmas Boutique. It was a good success for sure. In spite of the weather and the bombardment of lots of other gift shows and boutiques going on that day, we didn't do that bad. Everyone sold something, which is the whole reason we were sitting out there! **(Our show was held under my business name of The Salvage Chicks n Co. Wildoberry Farms is my Pattern n Country Gift Company. Salvage Chicks n Co is for my Promoting of boutiques and such. You can visit Salvage Chicks on Facebook.) Here are a few pics of the day!
This is Vitalia's Cheer...Vitalia, creates wreaths, this pic doesn't do them justice, they are lovely in person~
This is Ruby of the West, they pride themselves on authentic vintage clothing, refurbishing and restoring as they go...Linda and Gina are wonderful at what they do~!
More from The Ruby of the West~
Here is Kelly of Tularosa Vintage finds! Her mom June and her collect and find the most unique vintage goods, I now own 2 of those vintage table cloths...I can't resist them...
Here is Kelly's hand crafted Jewelry...I just learned she sold her first piece on Etsy today!!! She was so excited!
More from Tularosa!
This is my friend Debra, of Touched of Passion she hand makes these dress forms...she does do custom orders if you are interested, send me an email and I will get you in touch with her...
She is also dabbling in a new vintage style jewelry line...
This is Rosalie, from My Country Cottage! I am sure some of you know her just by her work, she has been in the valley for some time now, her product can be found in Rooster Creek in Temecula or on line~
This is my Sister, Candace of Junkfusion! She has a great eye for finding the un-findable! She has found some great vintage things, stuff I haven't seen available for a long time!
More can find her on line at
I love these pink bowls!
The Murrieta Soap Company is owned by my friend Heather, she sells her handmade soaps n lotions at Cottage Charm the first Sat of every month!!! Her Stuff smells so yummy! hard to resist!
She also makes unique greeting cards!
Here I am, just some goods handmade and some vintage treasures...My friend, Jennifer, crocheted some scarfs and sold them here, with 10% of the proceed, she gave to the Animal Shelter...a total of $30.00! Not bad!!!
I loved those pointsetta napkin holders so much along with the green glass ware...that I kept it...I think that was my plan all along..
I wish I would have gotten a whole yard picture, but I got busy and never got back to the picture portion of the show!
We were able to set up without any rain and it wasn't until we were almost completely broken down did it start to sprinkle! It was a good day~We will be making some new plans for next year! The Vendors and I will be meeting in January to plan it out! These Vendors are so talented and have so much to offer...I would love to be able to showcase their talent!
I hope your Christmas will be everything you dream it to be...This is a Magical time of year, where everything is possible. May you keep the Wonderment of Christmas in your heart all through the year and May God Bless you and your Family in the New Year!
Our hearts and prayers are with those who have had their hearts broken into bits from this horrible tragedy! May God be your comfort and your rock...
Love to all, and thank you so much for stopping by! It means so much to me! Thank you all for coming to the Flea Markets, Gift Shows and Boutiques, your support is so important! Thank you to all the Vendors who participated in the show and gave their support as well! You are all so near and dear to my heart...So happy to have you in my circle of Friends!
Thanks to you all! I couldn't have a business without you, so thank you again for your support!
I hope we talk together again soon...
Take good care, stay warm and toasty, stay well and keep a song in your heart!
Love and Blessings, xoxo Deb
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wildoberry Farms 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Christmas Boutique Dec 1st
Happy Day after Thanksgiving,
As I am writing this, I am thinking of all the leftovers we will have for dinner tonight! We had 24 members of our family here yesterday to celebrate this perfect holiday...No gifts to exchange, just time with the ones you love and loads of great yummy food to eat! My Niece made some homemade Hard Apple Cider, wowzers was it delicious it was defiantly a sipping cider not a cider shooter! We spent time with family we haven't seen in 4 years! Just timing and location kept us apart for the holidays. But it was just like we saw them yesterday, not a moment passed, I love how some relationships just are like that. My Best friend lives on the other side of the United States and we see each other maybe once a year at best! Her family lives here on the West Coast, so I get her at least 1 week of her 2 week vacation! There is no time gap, from the last visit or conversation. We do talk on the phone every other week or so, but when you are together its different, and thankfully when we do get together, there isn't that awkward silence, we just pick up where we last left off! We have been doing it this way for over 26 years! Something is working!
Ok I rambled a little off subject there...but I am missing her a little bit today...she has been through a lot this year...maybe when you say your prayers tonight, maybe keep her in mind...Thanks
Ok...Now for what I started this new blog post for...
On Dec 1st we are having a Christmas Boutique at my Sisters house. We are on the corner of Woshka and Kolo Ct, in Wildomar. We have a Bake Sale planned, and we are collecting new unwrapped toys and non perishable food. Vendors of talented artist and vintage collectors, hand made goods and tons more! Grab your best friend and come spend the morning shopping, snacking and enjoying a moment of this wonderful time of year...the flyer is below with all the details, I hope to see you there!
Take good care and I hope to post again soon, its hard to be the butcher, the baker AND the candle stick maker! but its also very rewarding!
Blessings to you all, and thanks for reading my blog, please tell your friends, Talk to you again soon!
xoxo Deb
As I am writing this, I am thinking of all the leftovers we will have for dinner tonight! We had 24 members of our family here yesterday to celebrate this perfect holiday...No gifts to exchange, just time with the ones you love and loads of great yummy food to eat! My Niece made some homemade Hard Apple Cider, wowzers was it delicious it was defiantly a sipping cider not a cider shooter! We spent time with family we haven't seen in 4 years! Just timing and location kept us apart for the holidays. But it was just like we saw them yesterday, not a moment passed, I love how some relationships just are like that. My Best friend lives on the other side of the United States and we see each other maybe once a year at best! Her family lives here on the West Coast, so I get her at least 1 week of her 2 week vacation! There is no time gap, from the last visit or conversation. We do talk on the phone every other week or so, but when you are together its different, and thankfully when we do get together, there isn't that awkward silence, we just pick up where we last left off! We have been doing it this way for over 26 years! Something is working!
Ok I rambled a little off subject there...but I am missing her a little bit today...she has been through a lot this year...maybe when you say your prayers tonight, maybe keep her in mind...Thanks
Ok...Now for what I started this new blog post for...
On Dec 1st we are having a Christmas Boutique at my Sisters house. We are on the corner of Woshka and Kolo Ct, in Wildomar. We have a Bake Sale planned, and we are collecting new unwrapped toys and non perishable food. Vendors of talented artist and vintage collectors, hand made goods and tons more! Grab your best friend and come spend the morning shopping, snacking and enjoying a moment of this wonderful time of year...the flyer is below with all the details, I hope to see you there!
Take good care and I hope to post again soon, its hard to be the butcher, the baker AND the candle stick maker! but its also very rewarding!
Blessings to you all, and thanks for reading my blog, please tell your friends, Talk to you again soon!
xoxo Deb
Friday, October 26, 2012
Howdy All,
Well I am just so sad...I cannot do the Craft Market that is coming up in November. I was running errands today and going to pay for the spot was on my agenda, I had gone to 2 stores picking up a birthday gift for my wonderful Husband and then to the pet store for some kitty food. By the time I got to my truck, my knee was killing me as well as my left foot. Which is a result of babying my knee all this time I have injured my foot. I have been in therapy for over 3 months trying to make this knee better, I go to therapy then go work super hard at the next show! I re-injure it all over again. So I have to decide, re-injury or try to heal...Needless to say, I won't be setting up this month or next. I love doing it, I love seeing all of the people, everyone is so nice and interesting to talk to.
I will miss it, very much. But when I am 75 I want to be able to walk, and I know at the rate I'm going that may not be the case.
I am hard on myself just like I'm sure most of you are too, when it comes to home, family, work we go all out. There is always something that NEEDS attention right now. I applaud all of you who have a career and home life. I did it for many years and thank God in Heaven above I have a very supportive husband. He always has my back no matter what. Now a days, I do my patterns and creations, but I usually am right here on the computer working for our Electrical Company, paying bills, answering emails, etc. I love that I am home, and can work here. But its still work, and I still have all the other responsibilities too.
I will miss setting up at the Market, but we are still planning on having the Christmas Boutique at My Sisters house on Dec 1st, Most of the set up will be with the other vendors and hopefully by that time I will have rested my knee enough to have it on the mend...
The markets are all I have ever known as far as selling my wares, so this will be a new challenge for me. I will work harder on Etsy and getting my name out there more...Its scary to try something new, but I am looking forward to the new challenges it will bring!!!
Thank you all so much for listening and understanding, I hope you will continue to follow us on Facebook, Etsy and here on the Blog...Give us some feedback if you like, I would love to hear from you!!
Take care and have a great weekend, Talk to you all soon,
Be Blessed, Be Well and Be Happy,
xoxox Deb
Well I am just so sad...I cannot do the Craft Market that is coming up in November. I was running errands today and going to pay for the spot was on my agenda, I had gone to 2 stores picking up a birthday gift for my wonderful Husband and then to the pet store for some kitty food. By the time I got to my truck, my knee was killing me as well as my left foot. Which is a result of babying my knee all this time I have injured my foot. I have been in therapy for over 3 months trying to make this knee better, I go to therapy then go work super hard at the next show! I re-injure it all over again. So I have to decide, re-injury or try to heal...Needless to say, I won't be setting up this month or next. I love doing it, I love seeing all of the people, everyone is so nice and interesting to talk to.
I will miss it, very much. But when I am 75 I want to be able to walk, and I know at the rate I'm going that may not be the case.
I am hard on myself just like I'm sure most of you are too, when it comes to home, family, work we go all out. There is always something that NEEDS attention right now. I applaud all of you who have a career and home life. I did it for many years and thank God in Heaven above I have a very supportive husband. He always has my back no matter what. Now a days, I do my patterns and creations, but I usually am right here on the computer working for our Electrical Company, paying bills, answering emails, etc. I love that I am home, and can work here. But its still work, and I still have all the other responsibilities too.
I will miss setting up at the Market, but we are still planning on having the Christmas Boutique at My Sisters house on Dec 1st, Most of the set up will be with the other vendors and hopefully by that time I will have rested my knee enough to have it on the mend...
The markets are all I have ever known as far as selling my wares, so this will be a new challenge for me. I will work harder on Etsy and getting my name out there more...Its scary to try something new, but I am looking forward to the new challenges it will bring!!!
Thank you all so much for listening and understanding, I hope you will continue to follow us on Facebook, Etsy and here on the Blog...Give us some feedback if you like, I would love to hear from you!!
Take care and have a great weekend, Talk to you all soon,
Be Blessed, Be Well and Be Happy,
xoxox Deb
Monday, October 22, 2012
Motts Barn Show...
Here are a few pics of our show from Sat Oct 20th... I would have taken more but I forgot my sd card so the pics came out on the camera and we all know there isn't much room on there...Oh well you get the idea! More pics below.
I also have some new patterns that are available at Pieced with Love Quilt shop in Murrieta Ca and things will be posted on Etsy this week. So check back often...Salvage Chicks Etsy will also have a few new items...
If you are interested in any patterns and they are not listed yet please email me or call or 951-719-6643 and I will get it out to you asap~

This oneis Witches Flight #1012 this pattern is $9.00 and the one below is Harvest Moon Candle Mat it is a kit that includes all the wool felt and the pattern for $11.99
There are 2 Christmas patterns below...
We are gearing up for our Boutique on Dec 1st here at home. We have lots planned and hope you will be able to stop by and get into the Christmas frame of mind...
Check us out on Facebook, Wildoberry Farms...and also Salvage Chicks n Co
Lots of plans for Wildoberry Farms, new patterns coming out every month.
We hope you are enjoying the Fall weather and beauty that comes with her...This is truly my favorite time of year. Kids of all ages enjoy Trick or Treating...That one night of controlled mayhem! Moms spending countless hours on costumes. Dad's trying to keep track of their popular costumed goblin! Then the ultimate belly ache as a result of a quick dinner, too much candy and too much running babies are no longer I will miss that this year...we did have some great times, lots of laughs and it was a great chance to catch up with neighbors we didn't always see..OH Please just have so much fun!
We hope you are enjoying the Fall weather and beauty that comes with her...This is truly my favorite time of year. Kids of all ages enjoy Trick or Treating...That one night of controlled mayhem! Moms spending countless hours on costumes. Dad's trying to keep track of their popular costumed goblin! Then the ultimate belly ache as a result of a quick dinner, too much candy and too much running babies are no longer I will miss that this year...we did have some great times, lots of laughs and it was a great chance to catch up with neighbors we didn't always see..OH Please just have so much fun!
Fall just brings our the greatest decorations that warm the family home, that welcomes families to come together and take a brief moment to catch up and share their love of one another, we eat too much and complain as we are headed for seconds! Its just too good we say!... family stories of the past are told to the little ones, and the embarrassing ones told to the newly added members...we sit around and reminisce about the "good ole days"... we remember those we lost and share those memories too!...there is just such a connection surrounding this time, and as quick as it comes its gone again till next year. Treasure this time with your loved ones and Be Ever So Thankful...For all you have together...
Happy Fall, I can never say this enough...Be Blessed and be Happy, xo Deb
The one above is a red work pattern and its called Hark the Herald Angels Sing, $9.00 and the snowman here is a dish towel kit includes the muslin and the cotton dish towel and pattern $13.99
Thursday, October 11, 2012
October 11 2012 and its Raining :0)
Oct is here already!
Today is a great day to sit in front of my computer and type a quick note to you, as it is pouring rain and such a relief from that blistering heat we had. I think we are going to warm up a little after this but nothing compared to the last 2 and a half months...I finally feel ready to welcome Fall...
Are you enjoying the cooler weather? Has it started to look like fall in your neck of the woods??
Upcoming events:
New Patterns will be posted on Etsy and on display at Pieced with Love quilt shop in Murrieta CA

We will be at An Affair At the Barn on Oct 20th from 9-4 pm located in Motts Country Barn, 28380 Hwy 74, Menifee, CA there is a $5. entrance fee which goes to the Mini Pearls Cancer Foundation.
November we will be hosting a Holiday Boutique at Candace's house; Date to be announced. We had such success in Sept when we did the first one. Everyone loved it. The bake sale was a huge success!!!
I hope you will come by and see us, we will have hand made and vintage treasures, and I will have some of those new patterns on display also...stop by, and check back for the November date...
Hope you have a wonderful day,
Thanks for coming over,
Talk to you soon, xxoxoxoo Deb
One of these days I will be much better at this! I hope you will all stick around to see if I do!!! lol Happy October to you!
I will have new things posted on Etsy soon, so please check back often Thanks so much!!!
Today is a great day to sit in front of my computer and type a quick note to you, as it is pouring rain and such a relief from that blistering heat we had. I think we are going to warm up a little after this but nothing compared to the last 2 and a half months...I finally feel ready to welcome Fall...
Are you enjoying the cooler weather? Has it started to look like fall in your neck of the woods??
Upcoming events:
New Patterns will be posted on Etsy and on display at Pieced with Love quilt shop in Murrieta CA
We will be at An Affair At the Barn on Oct 20th from 9-4 pm located in Motts Country Barn, 28380 Hwy 74, Menifee, CA there is a $5. entrance fee which goes to the Mini Pearls Cancer Foundation.
November we will be hosting a Holiday Boutique at Candace's house; Date to be announced. We had such success in Sept when we did the first one. Everyone loved it. The bake sale was a huge success!!!
I hope you will come by and see us, we will have hand made and vintage treasures, and I will have some of those new patterns on display also...stop by, and check back for the November date...
Hope you have a wonderful day,
Thanks for coming over,
Talk to you soon, xxoxoxoo Deb
One of these days I will be much better at this! I hope you will all stick around to see if I do!!! lol Happy October to you!
I will have new things posted on Etsy soon, so please check back often Thanks so much!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Autumn Welcome!
We are hosting a Fall Boutique in our front yard on Sat Sept 22nd if you are in the area and would like to stop by please so...
Vintage Treasures, Handmade Goods, Vintage Clothing, Baked Yummies, Jewelry, Candles, Soaps and Lotions, Ceramics and so much more! We are in Windsong Valley in Wildomar on Kolo Ct. Sat 9-4 Follow the signs! Look forward to seeing you here!
Thanks So much, Deb
Vintage Treasures, Handmade Goods, Vintage Clothing, Baked Yummies, Jewelry, Candles, Soaps and Lotions, Ceramics and so much more! We are in Windsong Valley in Wildomar on Kolo Ct. Sat 9-4 Follow the signs! Look forward to seeing you here!
Thanks So much, Deb
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
October 20th Salvage Chicks N Co. With Wildoberry Farms!
Motts Farms, This is where we will be showing our wares on Oct Th...its located off Hwy 74 off the 15 fwy. We are excited to be doing this show as it was featured in last months Romantic Homes Magazine as one of the top 25 flea markets...The show is called An Affair at the Barn...Stop by and see what all the fuss is about! Open 9-4 Sat Oct Th $5 admission proceeds for Mini Pearls Cancer Foundation! See you there!
Gotta get back to work or there won't be anything to show!
See ya soon, Deb
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Upcoming show in November 2012

I sell my hand made dolls and things during the flea market with my sister. So I thought I would put together a booth of just patterns and pattern related items to sell here. Pin cushions, fabric, fat quarters, special kits, and special patterns just for that show. I hope you will come by and see what I finally came up with...I am very excited for this opportunity to just have a spot for patterns...but I'm sure I will have a few other pieces there too...can't help myself!
Thanks for stopping by,
Be Blessed!! and be Joyful!!!
xoxox Deb
These patterns are listed on my Etsy page...Im offering free shipping until Sept 22 as an End of Summer Sale...
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Ladies Shopping Nite
Good Morning,
Last night I attended an interesting way to shop. My Friends Debbie and Heather, set up a boutique in Heather's house. She had 4 or 5 Vendors set up in her down stairs area. It helps that she is packing up to move so not much was there. She served wine, snacks and treats too. She had originally wanted to set it up outside, but the weather here has been so hot( 90 at 7:30) that it just didn't work out. I got some great deals, had some yummy cupcakes and good quality girl time.
Here is where the video should be...
I would love to show you the video I took on my phone, but sadly, Im technologically challenged and can't figure it out...I will eventually get my poor brain wrapped around this Someday-
This may be the next new wave of shopping. There are all kinds of people having have home parties, why not have one like this too. I think I will be working on this...I'll keep you posted...
Have a wonderful weekend,
Until next time,
Last night I attended an interesting way to shop. My Friends Debbie and Heather, set up a boutique in Heather's house. She had 4 or 5 Vendors set up in her down stairs area. It helps that she is packing up to move so not much was there. She served wine, snacks and treats too. She had originally wanted to set it up outside, but the weather here has been so hot( 90 at 7:30) that it just didn't work out. I got some great deals, had some yummy cupcakes and good quality girl time.
Here is where the video should be...
I would love to show you the video I took on my phone, but sadly, Im technologically challenged and can't figure it out...I will eventually get my poor brain wrapped around this Someday-
This may be the next new wave of shopping. There are all kinds of people having have home parties, why not have one like this too. I think I will be working on this...I'll keep you posted...
Have a wonderful weekend,
Until next time,
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Salvage Chicks & Co.
A post has been made! Be sure to check it out... there is pictures and everything...!
Talk to you soon!
Please post a comment to let us know how we are doing!
Talk to you soon!
Please post a comment to let us know how we are doing!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Well it seems I finally have the new computer up and running properly, the page has been cleaned up and updated. Just need a new picture. I hope to get myself back on track. This running by the seat of your pants thing is too much...I must be getting old... ha ha...
I'm sad to see summer winding down, seems like it just got here. Although I could do without the extreme heat we have been having this last week. We usually get a heatwave or two, around this time. But for some reason it seems a little hotter than normal...114 is pretty hot for here. Can't get any painting done this week, tried last week and the paint dried so fast it its just scrap!
I have new patterns started, one Christmas and one Fall, both samples are done they are just waiting for me to write up the instructions...This week I'm on a mission...and that is to get it more excuses.
My Sister and I, during all of this down time between posts, have decided to start a new company. We are specializing in Restoring, Re-purposing, and Reusing old items and making them new again. My Bird Feeders fit right in to this point of view...We are calling our business Salvage Chicks & Co. We have a blog, etsy account, and Facebook page. So far the Facebook page is the only one getting attention for now. We are selling at the Ivy Street Marketplace in Murrieta, CA. Its the Cottage Charm Antique store on the corner. Kelly and her family are so nice and its a really nice little market. Last Month was our debut, so we didn't have everything we wanted to have, but Sept is coming and by then we should have more goodies. The Market runs the first Sat of every month from 9-3. If you are in the neighborhood please stop by. Here are a few pics plus our logo.
This our spot at the market and that chair over there is one my sister re finished, the sign is mine from recycled wood.
We are on Facebook, check us out and like us. We also have a blog, nothing on it yet, but we have one, the address is, also an etsy account, nothing on there either, but the address is We hope to have things posted this week. Thank you so much for sticking around...means so much!
I am still creating my Patterns and hope to be able to incorporate both point of views into one... I don't think I could ever give up sewing. I think that's why I can't just pick one thing to do. I love it all.
Well enough for now, I have faxes to send and lunch to eat.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day, and enjoy the last days of summer...I will talk to you all soon
Be Well and Be Blessed!
Well it seems I finally have the new computer up and running properly, the page has been cleaned up and updated. Just need a new picture. I hope to get myself back on track. This running by the seat of your pants thing is too much...I must be getting old... ha ha...
I'm sad to see summer winding down, seems like it just got here. Although I could do without the extreme heat we have been having this last week. We usually get a heatwave or two, around this time. But for some reason it seems a little hotter than normal...114 is pretty hot for here. Can't get any painting done this week, tried last week and the paint dried so fast it its just scrap!
I have new patterns started, one Christmas and one Fall, both samples are done they are just waiting for me to write up the instructions...This week I'm on a mission...and that is to get it more excuses.
This our spot at the market and that chair over there is one my sister re finished, the sign is mine from recycled wood.
We are on Facebook, check us out and like us. We also have a blog, nothing on it yet, but we have one, the address is, also an etsy account, nothing on there either, but the address is We hope to have things posted this week. Thank you so much for sticking around...means so much!
I am still creating my Patterns and hope to be able to incorporate both point of views into one... I don't think I could ever give up sewing. I think that's why I can't just pick one thing to do. I love it all.
Well enough for now, I have faxes to send and lunch to eat.
I hope you are all having a wonderful day, and enjoy the last days of summer...I will talk to you all soon
Be Well and Be Blessed!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Well I guess its been longer that April...
I have been suffering from Christmas burn out...I decided to take a week off in March to get caught up with some things around the home front...well that was about 2 months ago...I feel better and now I'm back creating things just not as fast...
I am not a show person, found that out the hard way. I love to do the more personal Farmers Markets or little boutiques. The large shows are for the more hard core...I give them all the respect and kudos! They have earned it...
I know I mentioned the Create and Decorate magazine. More details, I submitted the design, and they accepted me, I was thrilled! It was a long process but worth it! I was in the March/April issue. It was my Bluebird Candle Mat. I was so good about not saying anything about it, as I didn't want to jinx it...that I really forgot all about it! lol
Then when it came out, I had a renewed sense of excitement and I told much that I felt like I was bragging...! It was kinda cool being published! I hope to do more, I just wish I could stitch as fast as my brain comes up with ideas! Look for listing on Etsy towards the end of the month.
New business...
This is my Daughters last year of High School and it was a total I am writing this we just celebrated her Graduation last night...had a party with our dear family and was wonderful to spend time with them. I truly have the best of friends! We tried to have a more healthy fair, but of course my Dad complained that there weren't any BBQ beans...sorry Daddy, next time...too much sugar!
Everything else is going well, I hope to have a new computer soon so I can change the format of this blog...I don't want to do too much on here otherwise the computer will freeze...
As usual Time is marching on with out me again, I feel like I'm still in March...not heading into least favorite month of all...
I hope to be on here again soon, I am the blog I despise...the infrequent blogger... That sounds like a good
Hope you are all Happy and Well, take care and enjoy you weekend!
Thanks for stopping by, God Bless!
I have been suffering from Christmas burn out...I decided to take a week off in March to get caught up with some things around the home front...well that was about 2 months ago...I feel better and now I'm back creating things just not as fast...
I am not a show person, found that out the hard way. I love to do the more personal Farmers Markets or little boutiques. The large shows are for the more hard core...I give them all the respect and kudos! They have earned it...
I know I mentioned the Create and Decorate magazine. More details, I submitted the design, and they accepted me, I was thrilled! It was a long process but worth it! I was in the March/April issue. It was my Bluebird Candle Mat. I was so good about not saying anything about it, as I didn't want to jinx it...that I really forgot all about it! lol
Then when it came out, I had a renewed sense of excitement and I told much that I felt like I was bragging...! It was kinda cool being published! I hope to do more, I just wish I could stitch as fast as my brain comes up with ideas! Look for listing on Etsy towards the end of the month.
New business...
This is my Daughters last year of High School and it was a total I am writing this we just celebrated her Graduation last night...had a party with our dear family and was wonderful to spend time with them. I truly have the best of friends! We tried to have a more healthy fair, but of course my Dad complained that there weren't any BBQ beans...sorry Daddy, next time...too much sugar!
Everything else is going well, I hope to have a new computer soon so I can change the format of this blog...I don't want to do too much on here otherwise the computer will freeze...
As usual Time is marching on with out me again, I feel like I'm still in March...not heading into least favorite month of all...
I hope to be on here again soon, I am the blog I despise...the infrequent blogger... That sounds like a good
Hope you are all Happy and Well, take care and enjoy you weekend!
Thanks for stopping by, God Bless!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
My deepest apologies...
I'm so sorry to have left you all with the November post...
My computer has been giving me fits so I have been keeping off of it, mostly so I don't toss it out the window!
I will have my new computer this month, I hope!
I have lots to tell you and new patterns too...
If you get a chance to check it out, I was honored by being published in the March/April issue of Create and Decorate. I designed the Blue Bird Candle Mat...My very first time! I was/still am super excited about it!
Anyway, Just wanted to let you know, I am still here...Just having computer issues, surprised I have gotten this far without any problems...!
I hope to be up and running properly soon!
Hope all is well with you,
Take good care & be blessed!
Thanks again for following me!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentines Day and Happy St Patricks Day!
My computer has been giving me fits so I have been keeping off of it, mostly so I don't toss it out the window!
I will have my new computer this month, I hope!
I have lots to tell you and new patterns too...
If you get a chance to check it out, I was honored by being published in the March/April issue of Create and Decorate. I designed the Blue Bird Candle Mat...My very first time! I was/still am super excited about it!
Anyway, Just wanted to let you know, I am still here...Just having computer issues, surprised I have gotten this far without any problems...!
I hope to be up and running properly soon!
Hope all is well with you,
Take good care & be blessed!
Thanks again for following me!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentines Day and Happy St Patricks Day!
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