Hello again...
Well, when last we visited, I was telling you about Easter traditions...I just want to let you know I followed every one of those! I was sitting in my chair, watching TV with my husband, when I started laughing...I had done it again,Only this time I forgot to make the baskets, let along hide them! Thankfully I wasn't in bed yet this year, but I was just about to be...Oh well...what else are traditions for but to keep them going year after, year after, year...hahah
Mothers Day is fast approaching...This is a bitter sweet time of year for me...My momma had gone home to be with our Lord, 9 years ago. This month (May) is when we had found out she had cancer and next month (June) is when we had buried her. She had lung cancer and it was a fast grower. The Dr's kept telling us she had 1-2 years, and while we were trying to wrap our minds around that short of time, the cancer had other ideas...
I hope with all my heart that whom ever is reading this, is if you take nothing else from the gibberish I write, is you spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, love them with every fiber of your being, bless them, keep them close to your heart, don't let any problems or anything keep you apart. Don't let anger rule your heart, forgive! forgive! forgive! Of course don't be a door mat, but you understand what I mean. God wants us to love each other,everyday and how can we do that if we can't even forgive. God says Love. Let love rule your heart, hugg like there is no tomorrow, because you never know how many tomorrows you will have. Love in such a way, that if anything were to ever happen, no one would ever question if they were loved. You can never love anyone enough, its impossible, love is too big to contain...
I knew my mom loved me, she practically strangled it into me every time I saw her, my mom ruled her heart, with love, she showed us everyday, with little things, Things I miss very much now, but took for granted then.

She had tackled her illness with bravery, grace and dignity.
My mom was so beautiful, funny, amazing, strong, talented, generous and of course So Loving!
I miss her so much! It's hard facing some of life's challenges without her. Sometimes I forget I'm the momma now and my kids look to me as I looked to her...I hope I'm doing a good job...!
I think all we really want as humans is to be connected with someone, accepted-to love and be loved. It sounds so simple...but jealousy, greed, hatred and judgement can stand in the way. Don't let that get in your way. I am not perfect, I struggle with this too. We just need to get to the good and happy stuff...Love! ha ha!
So my friends, Love with all you have, and when you get tired, Love some more, it will make you happier, you will live longer, you and everyone around you, will be better for it!
I hope you all have the best Mothers Day, I hope your day is so full with love and happiness that you couldn't fit one more drop of it in your day!
Love and be loved,
Have a wonderful day*
Until Next time...
Love, Deb
The babblings of a simple mind...
The babblings of a simple mind...
Love your post Debbie, thanks :-)