Happy November 2nd! Its very windy here today, I hope your weather is bright and sunny!
I also hope this post finds you happy and doing well...
Well here I go again...I'm in panic mode to get a booth full of product finished before tomorrow! I will have a spot at the Wine Country Boutique again this year...The show begins on Fri November 4th at 10 am and will run thru the weekend. Located off the 15 fwy, Exit Winchester (South turn right, North turn Left) to Jefferson, turn Right to Sanborn turn Right to Madison turn Left. We will be on the Right Side of the street, look for the banners...no charge to enter, lots of vendors! There is a couple of events going on this weekend, a Glitz and Junk boutique at the Red Thread/Murrieta Gardens off Juniper in Historic Down Town Murrieta, and The famous Carlsbad Street Fair, This is on Sunday...This might be a good weekend to come down South!
Sugar Plum is Next week...I don't have enough strength to attempt that one as well. I think this will be my last show until March! Loads of new stuff coming then...stay tuned for that! I will however, be working on the two stores filling it for the Holidays! You know the first one, in Murrieta, the Red Thread, and we will also be in a nursery off the 15 fwy, Myrtle Creek Nursery in FallBrook...great place... I will keep you posted...
I will be at the Wine Country Boutique all day on Sat Nov 5th until close, so if you get a chance to stop by, Please find me to say Hello! I would love to see you!
Thanks for Reading my babbles!!!
Until Next time...
Have a wonderfully blessed day and may you keep you eyes on Him!
Huggs, Deb
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
A new look...
Good Morning!I have been working on my blog this morning, I have been wanting to personalize my spot ever since I started this thing. But, I have to limit my self in front of the computer, otherwise I will never get anything made! This is a picture of my front porch, I love my rusty table and chairs...This is my favorite time of year for sure! Below is my newest pattern...
An Autumn Poem with wool leaves and flannel borders, it can be framed in a 10X13" Frame. Or made into a pillow for the couch, as a hostess gift, or a wall hanging. Pattern comes complete with design, instructions photo and supply list. $8.00 You can purchase it on my Etsy account, or email me and I can invoice you from Pay Pal...
Well anyway, I hope the new banner looks nice on your computer, please tell me if it is too big or something else is not quite right...I appreciate it very much...Please visit my Etsy account...and Have a most wonderful Monday!!! I will be getting ready for Sugar Plum for the next few weeks, Time to get busy!!!
Well anyway, I hope the new banner looks nice on your computer, please tell me if it is too big or something else is not quite right...I appreciate it very much...Please visit my Etsy account...and Have a most wonderful Monday!!! I will be getting ready for Sugar Plum for the next few weeks, Time to get busy!!!
a quick little Monday babble from a simple mind!
Be a blessing to someone today! <3 Deb
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Well I actually followed through...Unbelievable yes, true none the less!
I did post some new goodies to the etsy page, I hope you will like the offerings...
The page is kind of slow so I haven't gotten to everything but that's ok, there is tomorrow to get things done...
Everything will come in time. I am very impatient, I am also finding out how much of a control freak I am...
Our youngest is learning how to drive and I had to sit in the BACKSEAT of my own car...and I hate doing that...control issue one, while she was driving, things do look worse from the backseat, so I made some little noises...control issue two, maybe one or two gasps, but who is counting...ok my daughter, but still they were legit! It was dark and we were on the freeway, and its crowded where we were going...ok, so control issue three, I really just wanted her to pull over and get out and let me do it. I don't even like it when my husband drives...so control issue four. On the way home...I just closed my eyes and hummed softly to my self till we were home...needless to say my girl wasn't very happy with her momma..I told her I couldn't help it I have issues...
By the way she is becoming a good driver, she like the rest of us have developed some bad habits...so we have to work on those, but for the most part she is getting it...need I mention, this was last night and I'm typing tonight, so we did make it home alive and well! lol
We did laugh about it, and to be fair my husband and I were doing most of the laughing, might have been fear laughing, I'm not too sure!...she did laugh too, and we weren't that crazy on her, but its so hard after so many years of being in control to just one day say ok and give up your control. Even though it happens slowly, they start wanting to play with their friends more outside, then comes the clothing choices, then more and more freedom is given...( I am skipping some things, but you know what I'm saying) But it sneaks up on you when you are adjusting to a new phase in their life a new one develops. I am not THaT crazy about control, I want my kids to grow up and be wonderful adults, that's our job as parents, to raise up well rounded adults, that they will be efficient members of society. To be loving caring people, to make this crazy world a better place because they are in it.
But no matter what, we do the best we can and we fight like hell to keep control, only to loose it in the end, especially when we realize we never had any control in the first place...My baby will be a very good driver, it just takes practice and loads of patience from her parents. But just like everything else in our lives we have to start somewhere and eventually we become an expert at whatever it is we are doing...
In the mean time...
I better find something to do while I'm in the backseat of my own car...because, the older she gets...well that only means the older I get...Time is ticking, better live this life with gusto!
I know that God is great! He gives us just what we need when we need it...I hope God is blessing you with Everything you need and helping you with what you don't need...Stay Strong and keep the Faith!
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my babbles, they truly are from a simple mind! Have a wonderful week, stay cool if you are in my neck of the woods and keep warm if you aren't! so funny the differences...
Keep checking back on the etsy page, I will be adding Christmas soon...
Thank you for stopping by,
More babbles from a simple mind
Until next time...Deb :0)
I will be at Sugar Plum in Costa Mesa again in November if you get a chance to come out, you should do this one, I understand its the biggest gift show they do...November 10th-12th 2011 The admission is free so grab your friends and come out to Orange County Fair grounds in Costa Mesa CA to get your shopping done for the Holidays! See you there...Deb
Well I actually followed through...Unbelievable yes, true none the less!
I did post some new goodies to the etsy page, I hope you will like the offerings...
The page is kind of slow so I haven't gotten to everything but that's ok, there is tomorrow to get things done...
Everything will come in time. I am very impatient, I am also finding out how much of a control freak I am...
Our youngest is learning how to drive and I had to sit in the BACKSEAT of my own car...and I hate doing that...control issue one, while she was driving, things do look worse from the backseat, so I made some little noises...control issue two, maybe one or two gasps, but who is counting...ok my daughter, but still they were legit! It was dark and we were on the freeway, and its crowded where we were going...ok, so control issue three, I really just wanted her to pull over and get out and let me do it. I don't even like it when my husband drives...so control issue four. On the way home...I just closed my eyes and hummed softly to my self till we were home...needless to say my girl wasn't very happy with her momma..I told her I couldn't help it I have issues...
By the way she is becoming a good driver, she like the rest of us have developed some bad habits...so we have to work on those, but for the most part she is getting it...need I mention, this was last night and I'm typing tonight, so we did make it home alive and well! lol
We did laugh about it, and to be fair my husband and I were doing most of the laughing, might have been fear laughing, I'm not too sure!...she did laugh too, and we weren't that crazy on her, but its so hard after so many years of being in control to just one day say ok and give up your control. Even though it happens slowly, they start wanting to play with their friends more outside, then comes the clothing choices, then more and more freedom is given...( I am skipping some things, but you know what I'm saying) But it sneaks up on you when you are adjusting to a new phase in their life a new one develops. I am not THaT crazy about control, I want my kids to grow up and be wonderful adults, that's our job as parents, to raise up well rounded adults, that they will be efficient members of society. To be loving caring people, to make this crazy world a better place because they are in it.
But no matter what, we do the best we can and we fight like hell to keep control, only to loose it in the end, especially when we realize we never had any control in the first place...My baby will be a very good driver, it just takes practice and loads of patience from her parents. But just like everything else in our lives we have to start somewhere and eventually we become an expert at whatever it is we are doing...
In the mean time...
I better find something to do while I'm in the backseat of my own car...because, the older she gets...well that only means the older I get...Time is ticking, better live this life with gusto!
I know that God is great! He gives us just what we need when we need it...I hope God is blessing you with Everything you need and helping you with what you don't need...Stay Strong and keep the Faith!
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my babbles, they truly are from a simple mind! Have a wonderful week, stay cool if you are in my neck of the woods and keep warm if you aren't! so funny the differences...
Keep checking back on the etsy page, I will be adding Christmas soon...
Thank you for stopping by,
More babbles from a simple mind
Until next time...Deb :0)
I will be at Sugar Plum in Costa Mesa again in November if you get a chance to come out, you should do this one, I understand its the biggest gift show they do...November 10th-12th 2011 The admission is free so grab your friends and come out to Orange County Fair grounds in Costa Mesa CA to get your shopping done for the Holidays! See you there...Deb
Friday, October 14, 2011
Well I did it...I never thought I would ever make it to Sugar Plum...Why? I have no idea, seemed unattainable for some reason...But I had some great encouragement and support. I decided last min to do the show! I created like you cannot believe. I was 2 1/2 weeks out from the show and managed to make enough stuff to get started. I would have liked to have had more, but what I made did the job.
The show runs for 3 days Thurs Fri and Sat, there were over 9,000 people who went through that show...great exposure if I do say...
The day we had to set up was pouring rain and I only have a truck, no trailer. The show was an hour away so every piece of my display got soaked. By the time we got down there, it had stopped raining so the set up wasn't totally horrible. My Daughter is amazing to say the least! She helped me set up and we had a blast! She knows how intense I can be and is patient enough, but then says that's it and drags me away! lol
We had to set up quick of course, because we left late from home, it was raining, and had to stop once to adjust the fencing, find where to set up, and on and on...so we only had like 2 1/2 hours to get it done...I like to do and redo...as I said before, but had no time at set up...I was really hoping my Daughters Photos would have sold! She does such wonderful work, such a natural talent, and good eye for things...Maybe you think that's just the mom talking...but see for your self...
I have them listed in my Etsy account...if you would like to see more wildoberryfarms.etsy.com
Well we did have fun, after the show was over, The owner had us gather around for a closing meeting. There were prizes and raffles, loads of encouragement for the next show, which by the way I'm going to do, I think I'm hooked...anyway....Everyone there was so nice and helpful, didn't seem like a lot of grumbly people! Which you can find in situations like this. But so far everyone was great! I'm looking forward to next months show...which reminds me, I will only have 3 weeks to get it done...I better get busy! It's a little difficult to get into the Harvest/Christmas frame of mind when the weather has been in the triple digits! Yesterday was 105 I think...we have been warm to say the least! I hope the weather is better where you are! Happy Fall Ya'll!!
Thanks for stopping by and I will be listing new goodies on my etsy account on Sunday so if you have nothing better to do stop by and take a look! ha ha
Just a few babbles from a simple mind...
Be Blessed!! Deb
The show runs for 3 days Thurs Fri and Sat, there were over 9,000 people who went through that show...great exposure if I do say...
The day we had to set up was pouring rain and I only have a truck, no trailer. The show was an hour away so every piece of my display got soaked. By the time we got down there, it had stopped raining so the set up wasn't totally horrible. My Daughter is amazing to say the least! She helped me set up and we had a blast! She knows how intense I can be and is patient enough, but then says that's it and drags me away! lol
We had to set up quick of course, because we left late from home, it was raining, and had to stop once to adjust the fencing, find where to set up, and on and on...so we only had like 2 1/2 hours to get it done...I like to do and redo...as I said before, but had no time at set up...I was really hoping my Daughters Photos would have sold! She does such wonderful work, such a natural talent, and good eye for things...Maybe you think that's just the mom talking...but see for your self...
I have them listed in my Etsy account...if you would like to see more wildoberryfarms.etsy.com
Well we did have fun, after the show was over, The owner had us gather around for a closing meeting. There were prizes and raffles, loads of encouragement for the next show, which by the way I'm going to do, I think I'm hooked...anyway....Everyone there was so nice and helpful, didn't seem like a lot of grumbly people! Which you can find in situations like this. But so far everyone was great! I'm looking forward to next months show...which reminds me, I will only have 3 weeks to get it done...I better get busy! It's a little difficult to get into the Harvest/Christmas frame of mind when the weather has been in the triple digits! Yesterday was 105 I think...we have been warm to say the least! I hope the weather is better where you are! Happy Fall Ya'll!!
Thanks for stopping by and I will be listing new goodies on my etsy account on Sunday so if you have nothing better to do stop by and take a look! ha ha
Just a few babbles from a simple mind...
Be Blessed!! Deb
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy First Day of Fall!
I hope you are enjoying the weather in your neck of the woods...Here we seem to be in the middle of a last minute heat wave...In my truck yesterday it said 105 and the weather girl said it was suppose to be hotter today. So its a little steamy here!
I am one of those people who don't really get Spring Fever, although I did have some this year. Usually my time is in the Fall. Its when I love to tear apart my home clean closets, re paint, re arrange, decorate and everything along those lines. But this year I am not being able to do this because I am getting ready for a big gift/handmade show in Costa Mesa! This is well beyond my comfort zone, so not only am I fighting the Fall Fever, but now I have butterflies the size of condors in my belly!
All I know is What the heck was I thinking! I am excited and I have been wanting to do this for a long time...but now that its getting closer...I have cold feet! lol
The show will be in Costa Mesa, CA on Oct 6-8th and its at the Orange County Fair Grounds. Admission is free and parking will cost you less than $10. Its a great show with loads of talented people!
I do feel good about doing this, I just hope I can make enough stuff to fill my spot!
Wish me luck!
Take care, and I pray your Fall Blessings are so abundant you won't know what to do with them all!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Monday Sept 12th
Today was so nice outside...But I didn't expect it to get so hot...Whew!
Well anyhow the sky was so beautiful and the moon tonight is so bright, it looks like a spot light!
I love when the seasons start to change.
I listed about 10 new patterns today in the Etsy account, I hope you have a chance to look them over. I would really love your feedback on these!
I hope you enjoy these last few days of Summer, and I hope Fall brings you crisp mornings and snuggly nights!
Take care and have a wonderful week,
Talk to you soon,
Just some simple babbles today...(:0)~
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
On my way...
Happy Halloween Pattern |
This was my last week,
I sent out catalogs 2 weeks ago of my patterns to a few quilt shops in the area. I waited, then I called them to discuss the catalog and possibly make an appointment to show my samples in person...My first appointment was awkward, I was very nervous as well as excited! I was having that feeling, you know the feeling, the "this is it, I'm on my way" feeling. Thinking all the hard work has finally paid off and she is going to place a huge order, and I will be well on my way as a pattern designer!...well, that's not what happened... The appt. lasted maybe 15 Min's. No order, nothing...I was more than deflated...I keep telling myself that this IS what I am suppose to be doing. Then I think why is it not working in the way I think it should be? I agonize over it all the time, should I or shouldn't I! I pray about it daily, I figured since nothing else has come up, no other doors seem to be open, that this has to be what I am meant to do...Design stitchery patterns, create ads, make goodies, teach others how to stitch! So far anyway...
Harvest Moon Wool Applique pattern |
Ok, so I get back into my truck, feeling defeated, and I start praying, I ask "Your Will Father! Take this doubt from me and lead me". I have to leave it in His hands. He is my confidant! So I head out to my next appointment, it's about a 50 min drive, so I have plenty of time to regroup and talk to God. I show up at my next appointment, of course not feeling as confident as before. But, I made it here and she seems nice, so here I go. She took her time, looked over a few pieces, called her employees over to ask their opinion, I walked around for what seemed forever. I didn't want to seem desperate! Even though I was! Desperate to find out if they liked it, if it would fit their shop, if I really had what it takes to be here, in this business...Finally after what seemed hours, she placed an order! My first wholesale order!!! woo hoo!!! I was totally blown away! So while my insides were doing cartwheels, I had to wear my poker face and conduct myself as a professional business womanpatterns that I had Not a bad first sale. I was happy. I felt vindicated, I have something to offer the pattern world! Thank you Mary! Now I'm feeling a little better about things, not so defeated. I head down to my next appointment here in town. I meet with her and her new shop, which is darling, She loves my dish towels and places an order. Ok now that feeling of "I'm on my way" is coming back. Only not as cocky as before, definitely way more humble, much more balanced! I know I am where I am suppose to be. Otherwise I would be some place else. I just have to keep the faith. I also have to remember, not everyone will love what I do, so I just have to accept that and continue forward. I have to let God open the doors for me and try not to push so hard against the flow...
It's hard to just let go and let God...but trust me it's the best decision you can make. He will lead you right where you need to be. My problem is that it's not always in my time frame, it's in His...so I grow impatient, and oftentimes pick up where I left off. I don't always give God the proper time to work things out for me...I need to learn if I'm going to ask for His help, I have to wait for Him to help me...Which is so difficult to do, but always worth it!
Well, I have babbled on long enough! I hope you have a wonderful week, and remember, no matter what, you are loved!
Thanks for stopping by,
Huggs, deb
Just more babbles from a simple mind. :)
Here is my schedule for Sept and Oct
I will be at the farmers market in Murrieta, this next week 9/11(oh)
I will have a booth at Motts Farm's, in Menifee, CA, Oct 1st.
I will be hosting a boutique here at my home, if you are in the area, let me know and I will gladly send you the info. Oct 7-8th
If you would like directions to any of these events, let me know via email or post here.
I also have a web site coming soon, I'll keep you posted!
Take care, Deb
Friday, August 19, 2011
Hello again!
Well, this has been a fast month...right! Don't blink! lol
This has, however been a productive month I must say. I have managed to get things rolling in the business dept, and that's a good thing, my garden is finally doing well, and my Husband, which is the best news ever! Is back up and walking around again! Thank God! He didn't think he was going to handle staying down one more day! (knee surgery) He is still in therapy and will be for a while, it's a nice, scratch that, Wonderful thing to see him up an moving around again!
Well back to the business, Patterns Patterns Patterns! I have been drawing like a mad women! I have some new dish towels ready for sale, more on the way, the process is sometimes a little slower than I like. Seems that is the only thing in my life that is slow! haha
None the less, new patterns on the way. A new Fall wool applique one, I am especially excited about, mostly because I love my wool! Its so easy to work with, and felts up so nice.
He will be on the page shortly. Gotta get busy...I am only a one gal operation you know!
I have sent out a few wholesale catalogs, so if there is a favorite store who you would like see carry my patterns, let me know and I would love to send them a catalog!! And if you do...I can send you a free pattern for your trouble! **BonuS!!**
Well if you can see the time you will know its late! I better hit the sack...I was staying up because my poor daughter (senior in high school) had a mountain of homework to do! urgh! So Much! So I thought I would stay up a little to show support!
But now its time for sleep!
Have a great Friday everyone! Take care and check back in a couple days as the patterns will be on here soon!
For now...
Deb :0)
More babbles from a simple mind!
Well, this has been a fast month...right! Don't blink! lol
This has, however been a productive month I must say. I have managed to get things rolling in the business dept, and that's a good thing, my garden is finally doing well, and my Husband, which is the best news ever! Is back up and walking around again! Thank God! He didn't think he was going to handle staying down one more day! (knee surgery) He is still in therapy and will be for a while, it's a nice, scratch that, Wonderful thing to see him up an moving around again!
Well back to the business, Patterns Patterns Patterns! I have been drawing like a mad women! I have some new dish towels ready for sale, more on the way, the process is sometimes a little slower than I like. Seems that is the only thing in my life that is slow! haha
None the less, new patterns on the way. A new Fall wool applique one, I am especially excited about, mostly because I love my wool! Its so easy to work with, and felts up so nice.
He will be on the page shortly. Gotta get busy...I am only a one gal operation you know!
I have sent out a few wholesale catalogs, so if there is a favorite store who you would like see carry my patterns, let me know and I would love to send them a catalog!! And if you do...I can send you a free pattern for your trouble! **BonuS!!**
Well if you can see the time you will know its late! I better hit the sack...I was staying up because my poor daughter (senior in high school) had a mountain of homework to do! urgh! So Much! So I thought I would stay up a little to show support!
But now its time for sleep!
Have a great Friday everyone! Take care and check back in a couple days as the patterns will be on here soon!
For now...
Deb :0)
More babbles from a simple mind!
Monday, July 25, 2011
My Apologies
I am so sorry I haven't written lately! Been so busy around here, it was hard to sit down and have a quiet thought!
I am in the process of re tooling everything...I hope to be back on line in a few weeks...I hope you will be patient with me during this process! Thank you in advance!
Please check in with me again in a few weeks, I'm thinking the week of Aug. 15th, things around here should be back to some sort of Normal...lol...My Daughter will be back to school, Senior this year, and I should be in full swing of a sewing frenzy! I hope to hear from all of you soon, thanks again for following and I will talk with you soon,
Thanks again,
Babblings from a simple mind!
I am in the process of re tooling everything...I hope to be back on line in a few weeks...I hope you will be patient with me during this process! Thank you in advance!
Please check in with me again in a few weeks, I'm thinking the week of Aug. 15th, things around here should be back to some sort of Normal...lol...My Daughter will be back to school, Senior this year, and I should be in full swing of a sewing frenzy! I hope to hear from all of you soon, thanks again for following and I will talk with you soon,
Thanks again,
Babblings from a simple mind!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Hey there...
Well it's been a day or more since I wrote last...we have been busy getting ready for the farmers market and stitchery classes. My husband also just had surgery on his knee. It is never boring here, that's for sure.
I really wish I could spend more time on this...
I hope you have chance to check out my ETSY account. I will be posting more tomorrow...Just trying to figure how to ship/cost of some things!
As you can tell by my post's, I am slow. I have bucket of to do things that are, well, needing to be done! I don't know if its because I am getting older or what, I just don't seem to have the stamina I use to...and I get so distracted! I feel like the dog on that movie "UP" where the dog is talking and then sees a squirll!
Anyway, I have some new patterns coming up, I am just finishing up the sample, I have ordered the towels and I have the pattern kind of done, I just need to put the finishing touches...I have a couple that I am doing in a series, probably going to release one a month. I need my hands to work as fast as my mind does! Not ready to hire someone to do it for me just yet...but some day though!
I do really appreciate you following my blog, I will try harder to post more often but we all know by now its just a dream!
Hope you have a great Sunday!
Until Next time,
JUsT MOre Babbles from a Simple Mind!
Be Well!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Whew! I had no idea I could be so chatty! lol! Someone should have said something! Like Shhhh...HAHAHA!
I have really enjoyed sharing with you these point of views, and I hope to some degree they have inspired you too.
But here's the thing, the real reason I decided to even start a blog was, not only to be able to pull out my soap box...but also, to display the items I design and create! I'm sure I won't be able to suppress my babbles for long, I love sharing...and I love to talk...duh! I'm a Woman...Its in our nature to want to talk... I talk to everyone, no matter where I am...My family asks me if I am making friends again! Too Funny! Now look I have gone on an on about nothing for like 8 sentences talking about talking!! See Babbles! Oh well, Back on subject...
OK...Here it is...
I would very much like to Re-introduce myself as the designer & creator of
Wildoberry Farm's, where I design, stitchery patterns, wood projects, refurbish old things and make lots of handmade goodies. I have been creating/designing, for many years. However, this Blog/Internet thing is still all very new to me... Even though I have been designing for years, I have only ever sold locally, on consignment, and to friends/family. This is a big step for me...I feel like its time to branch out though. Try something new.. Do you remember that Indiana Jones Movie with the Holy Grail? Where he had to take that leap of faith?? That's where I feel I am. I really think its time for me to close my eyes and take that leap, I know God will be there to guide me, always has been before, but its always that first step...Maybe I'll land on top, or maybe on the clearance rack...Only time will tell!
I appreciate you taking this journey with me, new adventures are always better with friends!
Anyway, here we go, into the wild blue Internet, I'm so excited!
Here are a few sample's of the designs I have done. I am always working on new things. I have a New line of dish towels and candle mats coming out. Probably by the middle of June they will be done. These Items can be purchased through my Etsy account, located below on the blog, or you can email me. wildoberries@hotmail.com
This is just a small sample,
I know I should choose just one thing, a single focus, try to perfect it...I have tried to, but I simply can't decide. I love all of it, wood, painting, sewing, crafting, etc...I did narrow it down, tried to keep it all related, Farmhouse/Country Themed...Usable things, not just dust collectors. So I am going to focus on those, try to perfect them...Well, I hope to get close anyway!
Please check out My Etsy account at http://www.wildoberryfarms.etsy.com/ and see whats new.
Thanks for following my blog.
Please let me know what you think...an artist loves feedback!
Gotta go, Celebrity Apprentice is on and its the last one!
Until next time,
"Babbles from a simple mind"...to be continued
Whew! I had no idea I could be so chatty! lol! Someone should have said something! Like Shhhh...HAHAHA!
I have really enjoyed sharing with you these point of views, and I hope to some degree they have inspired you too.
But here's the thing, the real reason I decided to even start a blog was, not only to be able to pull out my soap box...but also, to display the items I design and create! I'm sure I won't be able to suppress my babbles for long, I love sharing...and I love to talk...duh! I'm a Woman...Its in our nature to want to talk... I talk to everyone, no matter where I am...My family asks me if I am making friends again! Too Funny! Now look I have gone on an on about nothing for like 8 sentences talking about talking!! See Babbles! Oh well, Back on subject...
OK...Here it is...
I would very much like to Re-introduce myself as the designer & creator of
Wildoberry Farm's, where I design, stitchery patterns, wood projects, refurbish old things and make lots of handmade goodies. I have been creating/designing, for many years. However, this Blog/Internet thing is still all very new to me... Even though I have been designing for years, I have only ever sold locally, on consignment, and to friends/family. This is a big step for me...I feel like its time to branch out though. Try something new.. Do you remember that Indiana Jones Movie with the Holy Grail? Where he had to take that leap of faith?? That's where I feel I am. I really think its time for me to close my eyes and take that leap, I know God will be there to guide me, always has been before, but its always that first step...Maybe I'll land on top, or maybe on the clearance rack...Only time will tell!
I appreciate you taking this journey with me, new adventures are always better with friends!
Anyway, here we go, into the wild blue Internet, I'm so excited!
Alright, I'm ready, eyes closed, foot up...1-2-3..leap
Wow! that was really... easy...hahah! (I know, cheesy right...but you get the idea!) Yeah!
Here are a few sample's of the designs I have done. I am always working on new things. I have a New line of dish towels and candle mats coming out. Probably by the middle of June they will be done. These Items can be purchased through my Etsy account, located below on the blog, or you can email me. wildoberries@hotmail.com
This is just a small sample,
4th of July Stitchery Pattern/frame sold separated | <><><><><><>
The Candle Matt's, and stitchery pattern's |
Hand Painted Farmhouse Sign a sampling of pattern's Check out ETSY for individuals |
Please check out My Etsy account at http://www.wildoberryfarms.etsy.com/ and see whats new.
Thanks for following my blog.
Please let me know what you think...an artist loves feedback!
Gotta go, Celebrity Apprentice is on and its the last one!
Until next time,
"Babbles from a simple mind"...to be continued
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hello again...
Well, when last we visited, I was telling you about Easter traditions...I just want to let you know I followed every one of those! I was sitting in my chair, watching TV with my husband, when I started laughing...I had done it again,Only this time I forgot to make the baskets, let along hide them! Thankfully I wasn't in bed yet this year, but I was just about to be...Oh well...what else are traditions for but to keep them going year after, year after, year...hahah
Mothers Day is fast approaching...This is a bitter sweet time of year for me...My momma had gone home to be with our Lord, 9 years ago. This month (May) is when we had found out she had cancer and next month (June) is when we had buried her. She had lung cancer and it was a fast grower. The Dr's kept telling us she had 1-2 years, and while we were trying to wrap our minds around that short of time, the cancer had other ideas...
I hope with all my heart that whom ever is reading this, is if you take nothing else from the gibberish I write, is you spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, love them with every fiber of your being, bless them, keep them close to your heart, don't let any problems or anything keep you apart. Don't let anger rule your heart, forgive! forgive! forgive! Of course don't be a door mat, but you understand what I mean. God wants us to love each other,everyday and how can we do that if we can't even forgive. God says Love. Let love rule your heart, hugg like there is no tomorrow, because you never know how many tomorrows you will have. Love in such a way, that if anything were to ever happen, no one would ever question if they were loved. You can never love anyone enough, its impossible, love is too big to contain...
I knew my mom loved me, she practically strangled it into me every time I saw her, my mom ruled her heart, with love, she showed us everyday, with little things, Things I miss very much now, but took for granted then.

She had tackled her illness with bravery, grace and dignity.
My mom was so beautiful, funny, amazing, strong, talented, generous and of course So Loving!
I miss her so much! It's hard facing some of life's challenges without her. Sometimes I forget I'm the momma now and my kids look to me as I looked to her...I hope I'm doing a good job...!
I think all we really want as humans is to be connected with someone, accepted-to love and be loved. It sounds so simple...but jealousy, greed, hatred and judgement can stand in the way. Don't let that get in your way. I am not perfect, I struggle with this too. We just need to get to the good and happy stuff...Love! ha ha!
So my friends, Love with all you have, and when you get tired, Love some more, it will make you happier, you will live longer, you and everyone around you, will be better for it!
I hope you all have the best Mothers Day, I hope your day is so full with love and happiness that you couldn't fit one more drop of it in your day!
Love and be loved,
Have a wonderful day*
Until Next time...
Love, Deb
The babblings of a simple mind...
The babblings of a simple mind...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Happy EASTER Everyone,
I don't care how old my kids get. My Mom did it for me and I will do it for them till I am 110 years old! I make them an basket, filled with junk, this year is bunny parachutes, bubbles and a kite! Of course candy they don't need, that will come back to haunt me at the dentist office! But candy all the same! And tonight just before I am ready to doze off to sleep...I will realize I forgot to hide those baskets, again, or last year make them! So I will jump out of bed, with my husband laughing! As I stumble around the house in the dark trying to find the best place to hide them, I will promise myself that next year will be different...yea right!
...In the morning we will play the hot and cold game again looking for the baskets, laughing, teasing, spending time together...they finally find them, thankfully now they have a tad more patience, and we can eat breakfast first before they eat the treasures they have found, but when they were younger...forget it, both would come to the table with a chocolate smile for breakfast! haha
Our family traditions are very simple. Mine and my Husbands family gather here at our home for an early dinner, and then we just relax and catch up from the last time we got together ( usually Christmas) This will hold us over till we see each other again for a summer BBQ. Then the holidays round the corner again, and the cycle continues...see simple. Once in a while there is a monumental birthday that takes place or graduation but mostly that's it. And the saddest thing is my dad, sister, sister in law and bro in law just live around the corner from us...crazy huh! Just goes to show you how busy lives get!
Ok way off track of where I was going...Oh yes, simple traditions...anyway, most of our kids are teenagers, pushing young adulthood now, and unless we put money in all the eggs, they show very little interest in an egg hunt...However, I do have 2 nieces who are young enough to enjoy a little frolic in the yard looking for the eggs the above mentioned teenagers have hidden. Grandpa and the uncles usually help in hiding the eggs too, and then they have to help them find them when they realize the girls aren't 10 feet tall! I think its their way of playing without looking like they are! haha
I love Easter, so did my mom, it was the last holiday we spent together. She has been gone now, it will be 9 years in June. I put up the Easter decorations we had growing up...I love anything vintage anyway so it just fits. We always have ham, potato salad, and green beans for dinner with rolls, then for dessert we have pineapple upside down cake, my dad's fav! It just works, I try to keep some of the traditions I had growing up, plus I have added some of our own to the mix. Like this year I am trying a new recipe out, called a crust less strawberry pie, we will see.
I just hope one day my children will look back on this holiday and it will warm their hearts and put a huge smile on their face. Keeping the traditions but adding their own too...
Traditions are so important, they are what gives our past meaning to the future generations that carry them on.
I hope you have some traditions that you look back on with a happy heart.
Even with all the traditions, food, family and friends we all know the real reason we celebrate Easter...
We know Easter is so much more than bunnies and candy. It is about the ultimate sacrifice, His life for our lives. It is about Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy. Its what we base our belief on, our Faith. This is a good time to reflect on how we are living our lives, and what examples we are setting for our children and others around us... What sacrifices are we making, how can we make our lives and the lives around us better? What difference's can we make, who needs our help? We are more amazing than we give ourselves a chance to be!
I can do all things with Christ which strengthens me! Philippians 4:13
Gods love is unfailing, ever present, and never ending...
I hope your Easter is filled with every ounce of happiness and your blessings over flow so much that you could not hold one more drop!
Be Blessed my friends and have the best EASTER Ever!!!
I don't care how old my kids get. My Mom did it for me and I will do it for them till I am 110 years old! I make them an basket, filled with junk, this year is bunny parachutes, bubbles and a kite! Of course candy they don't need, that will come back to haunt me at the dentist office! But candy all the same! And tonight just before I am ready to doze off to sleep...I will realize I forgot to hide those baskets, again, or last year make them! So I will jump out of bed, with my husband laughing! As I stumble around the house in the dark trying to find the best place to hide them, I will promise myself that next year will be different...yea right!
...In the morning we will play the hot and cold game again looking for the baskets, laughing, teasing, spending time together...they finally find them, thankfully now they have a tad more patience, and we can eat breakfast first before they eat the treasures they have found, but when they were younger...forget it, both would come to the table with a chocolate smile for breakfast! haha
Our family traditions are very simple. Mine and my Husbands family gather here at our home for an early dinner, and then we just relax and catch up from the last time we got together ( usually Christmas) This will hold us over till we see each other again for a summer BBQ. Then the holidays round the corner again, and the cycle continues...see simple. Once in a while there is a monumental birthday that takes place or graduation but mostly that's it. And the saddest thing is my dad, sister, sister in law and bro in law just live around the corner from us...crazy huh! Just goes to show you how busy lives get!
Ok way off track of where I was going...Oh yes, simple traditions...anyway, most of our kids are teenagers, pushing young adulthood now, and unless we put money in all the eggs, they show very little interest in an egg hunt...However, I do have 2 nieces who are young enough to enjoy a little frolic in the yard looking for the eggs the above mentioned teenagers have hidden. Grandpa and the uncles usually help in hiding the eggs too, and then they have to help them find them when they realize the girls aren't 10 feet tall! I think its their way of playing without looking like they are! haha
I love Easter, so did my mom, it was the last holiday we spent together. She has been gone now, it will be 9 years in June. I put up the Easter decorations we had growing up...I love anything vintage anyway so it just fits. We always have ham, potato salad, and green beans for dinner with rolls, then for dessert we have pineapple upside down cake, my dad's fav! It just works, I try to keep some of the traditions I had growing up, plus I have added some of our own to the mix. Like this year I am trying a new recipe out, called a crust less strawberry pie, we will see.
I just hope one day my children will look back on this holiday and it will warm their hearts and put a huge smile on their face. Keeping the traditions but adding their own too...
Traditions are so important, they are what gives our past meaning to the future generations that carry them on.
I hope you have some traditions that you look back on with a happy heart.
Even with all the traditions, food, family and friends we all know the real reason we celebrate Easter...
We know Easter is so much more than bunnies and candy. It is about the ultimate sacrifice, His life for our lives. It is about Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy. Its what we base our belief on, our Faith. This is a good time to reflect on how we are living our lives, and what examples we are setting for our children and others around us... What sacrifices are we making, how can we make our lives and the lives around us better? What difference's can we make, who needs our help? We are more amazing than we give ourselves a chance to be!
I can do all things with Christ which strengthens me! Philippians 4:13
Gods love is unfailing, ever present, and never ending...
I hope your Easter is filled with every ounce of happiness and your blessings over flow so much that you could not hold one more drop!
Be Blessed my friends and have the best EASTER Ever!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thank You!
Hello again,
It's been a month since my last posting...again...Well that is how it goes sometimes! Some times there is time, but no words, other times lots of things to say, but no time to write them down...Seems to be the story of this blog!!! ha ha
However, Today I want to let you know how thankful I am for all my new followers!
I will be posting again soon, I have a few pics to share and things to chat about. I look forward to you sharing your comments!
I hope you all have the most amazing day!
Until next time...
Be Well,
It's been a month since my last posting...again...Well that is how it goes sometimes! Some times there is time, but no words, other times lots of things to say, but no time to write them down...Seems to be the story of this blog!!! ha ha
However, Today I want to let you know how thankful I am for all my new followers!
It's such a warm & fuzzy feeling to have you here!
It is truly a pleasure to meet you all!
W E L C O M E!
I will be posting again soon, I have a few pics to share and things to chat about. I look forward to you sharing your comments!
Like with anything, we have to be beginners
before we become experts!
Until next time...
Be Well,
Sunday, March 13, 2011
March Madness!
I can't believe it's already March 13th!
Sat. the 5th my best good friend and I went into Covina, CA, to visit our favorite store's Spring Open House!
I lived in West Covina for 20+ years before moving out to Wildomar...So its fun to go back every now and again to visit favorite haunts! It's even more fun taking my friends from here, there. My husband and I love a deli there called Capri Deli! Best sandwiches in town hands down! Great people too! I think that is what I miss about there, more independent stores, not so many chains. Here there are few mom and pop stores...sad really!
www.countrygen.com and check her out on Facebook...Country General Store.
Our day wasn't complete until we visited the Italian market Carlo's. Just around the corner from the Country General Store, in Downtown. If you have ever been into an Italian market, you know that smell...heavenly! Fresh meats, cheeses, pastry's, breads, salads...it's a good thing we ate lunch before we went in! My bill would have been doubled! My friend picked up some sausages for dinner, her and her husband are originally from New York, so this place is like home. I am from here, so she fills me in on all the things to eat there...don't have to twist my arm! I love the pastry/fresh bread counter...duh!
The hills on the way home so green from all the rain!!! |
My favorite so far is the chocolate chip cookie...something about it is just so yummy! After we filled our carts, and belly's (with the samples...thank you!) We headed home, but the shopping day would not be complete with out a quick trip to Toms Farms in Corona, CA. There they have a farmers market, any kind of candy you like, old fashioned soda pop, (my fav is Bubble up!) Furniture, gifts, wine market, 3 restaurants, a garden place, and I think they have a carousel still. It is over by the lake area on the other side, we only hit the farmers market, gifts, the craft fair, then headed home! Nice place to spend an afternoon, live music every now and again. Visit them at www.tomsfarms.com
Needless to say, we were bushed! We had a great day!
Have a great week!!!
Until next posting!!
Home made laundry soap Farmers Market |
Scraps n' Pieces for sewing, scrapbooking Mostly Cotton Fabric... |
Another view of the booth at the Farmers Market! |
Ps...up coming posts...new Spring patterns, Pictures from my sons 21st birthday, and the Sugar Plum Festival March 17th-19th in Costa Mesa! Worth the trip!
Would love to hear from you! Let me know what you think!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Enter with a Happy Heart
I created this pillow years ago, as you can see, but it is a great reminder...
I hope you are happy today...so many things come at us on a daily basis, that it's hard to keep a positive attitude. Just how are we suppose to keep our hearts above water??
No matter what stage of life you are in, there always seems to be something we have to deal with, work, home life, kids, pets, neighbors, fellow drivers, gas prices and food prices on the rise! It's enough to make you crazy!
So how are we suppose to deal with this stuff? We could be like the Ostrich and bury our heads in the sand...and we know that's not a solution! One thing, I think, is we need to learn what the differences are among the troubles in our life. Then decided what we can change and what we can't. Basically, we pick our battles and then do what we can.
There isn't anything we can do about the person who just cut us off...but maybe we can do something about how we react to it.
It isn't easy to change, however, if we don't the only ones we hurt is ourselves.
Another thing we can do is remember to take care of yourself.
Eat better, Exercise, Rest
Hugg your honey's more and tell them how much you love them! Listen to your kids with an open heart. Spend time with friends, go on a date with your spouse. Give thanks & count your blessings.
Life is too short to be angry all the time...Find your happy in the simple things of life!
Help others too, do something for someone unexpected, it will make you feel on top of the world, and it will make their heart glow brightly!!
Maybe find an outlet, something you would love to try, or have been putting off doing! There is no time like the present to try something new! It's a great distraction from the stresses of life! It doesn't have to cost a fortune either, there are lots of inexpensive things you can do, check out your libarary!
The best stress reducer is laughter, so get your giggle on!!!
Don't let it get you down! Give it to God, Be Happy, Share the Love & Lift one another up!
Until next time,
I hope you are happy today...so many things come at us on a daily basis, that it's hard to keep a positive attitude. Just how are we suppose to keep our hearts above water??
No matter what stage of life you are in, there always seems to be something we have to deal with, work, home life, kids, pets, neighbors, fellow drivers, gas prices and food prices on the rise! It's enough to make you crazy!
So how are we suppose to deal with this stuff? We could be like the Ostrich and bury our heads in the sand...and we know that's not a solution! One thing, I think, is we need to learn what the differences are among the troubles in our life. Then decided what we can change and what we can't. Basically, we pick our battles and then do what we can.
There isn't anything we can do about the person who just cut us off...but maybe we can do something about how we react to it.
It isn't easy to change, however, if we don't the only ones we hurt is ourselves.
Another thing we can do is remember to take care of yourself.
Eat better, Exercise, Rest
Hugg your honey's more and tell them how much you love them! Listen to your kids with an open heart. Spend time with friends, go on a date with your spouse. Give thanks & count your blessings.
Life is too short to be angry all the time...Find your happy in the simple things of life!
Help others too, do something for someone unexpected, it will make you feel on top of the world, and it will make their heart glow brightly!!
Maybe find an outlet, something you would love to try, or have been putting off doing! There is no time like the present to try something new! It's a great distraction from the stresses of life! It doesn't have to cost a fortune either, there are lots of inexpensive things you can do, check out your libarary!
The best stress reducer is laughter, so get your giggle on!!!
Don't let it get you down! Give it to God, Be Happy, Share the Love & Lift one another up!
Until next time,
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Time Fly's whether you are paying attention or not...
Well, I had no intention of being one of those people who blog once in a blue moon...but here I go Blue Moon n'...This month has not been on the top ten list of favorites! I will be glad to see March 1st, and pray it will be a better month! Starting a small business, while working in the office, home and such, isn't always the easiest thing to do, you quickly realize you are only one person and there are only so many hours in a day...And it would be so much easier if I just got out of my own way...ha!
Time does fly and seems to be flying faster and faster these days! With that in mind, I hope you remember to take a min or two for yourselves. You are important too, we can get lost in the day caring for our family, work, and responsibility's, that we forget to take care of ourselves. Please allow time for yourself to breath and take time to do something you love to do! Be good to you!
I really hope to be posting at least once a week and also to put up new projects...I have big plans...I hope you stick around to share them with me. I really appreciate all of you who have stopped by!
Be Well! Deb...
Time does fly and seems to be flying faster and faster these days! With that in mind, I hope you remember to take a min or two for yourselves. You are important too, we can get lost in the day caring for our family, work, and responsibility's, that we forget to take care of ourselves. Please allow time for yourself to breath and take time to do something you love to do! Be good to you!
I really hope to be posting at least once a week and also to put up new projects...I have big plans...I hope you stick around to share them with me. I really appreciate all of you who have stopped by!
Be Well! Deb...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A New Beginning...
When I was a kid, I always had a hard time sleeping the night before we were going someplace fun...I never thought as an adult, I would have the same problem sleeping, just because I was launching a Blog! This is a huge step for me! I have talked about doing this for months...Now here I am, a "blogger". I am SO excited to finally be on my way! Yesterday as I was designing the page, which by the way, I will probably change another 30 times before you even see it! Was at a loss for words...a first for me according to my friends! This is a little different than just talking to friends and family face to face. It can be a little intimidating at first. But, everyone has to start somewhere...so here is my start, not polished, not beautifully written, with points and facts, just me, in my first steps to join the thousands of fellow "Blogger's" Hoping to be read, and thankful for this forum in which to express myself and reach others, who share in the same ideas. I look forward to meeting you all! Please allow me to introduce myself...My name is Deborah, but most everyone calls me Deb! There is more to follow so please come back to check on my progress!
Thanks for stopping by, Deb
Thanks for stopping by, Deb
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