Howdy all!
Well Saturday was a little slower than I expected...I think everyone traveled to the Vintage Marketplace, and who can blame them...that show is awesome! So much good stuff and it only comes around 4 times a year. Sandie and I planned our next show and got caught up on things. and I think we still did just fine and had a great day out! The weather was just wonderful sitting there on the grass with the abundant shade from the trees over head. We met new vendors, we did shopping between each other, which always happens anyway, and we got to spend some time with friends! It was a great day and I would love to show you pics of it but sadly I forgot...I know, I have been doing that lately...simple things are just getting over looked. So if you want to see what the spot looked like, boop on over to my friends page at Beehive Cottage ( she is listed under "Blogs I Love" to the right of my post) and give her blog a look-see, and there you will find a pic of my booth that she was so awesome to snap a pic of. While you are there check out all of her darling goods and creations she makes! We had such a nice time...and in spite of the infamous lunch incident of 2014 we are still friends! hahah
Don't miss The next Barn Sale at Rooster Creek in July...Stay tooned...for more on that as it gets closer
Sandie and I will be at The Behind the Picket Fence show on June 28th in Costa Mesa we are setting up a double booth and I will have some Fall and Christmas patterns there...The holidays will be here before you know it! So save the date and come see us there! xoxo
I am so blessed to be able to do what I do and its because of all the amazingly, wonderful supportive people in my life, family, friends and my customers! all I can say is My cup runneth over!
Thank you all so very much, my life is brighter and happier with you all in it!
God Bless you all always!
Huggs n Stitches,