Happy Halloween Pattern
This was my last week,
I sent out catalogs 2 weeks ago of my patterns to a few quilt shops in the area. I waited, then I called them to discuss the catalog and possibly make an appointment to show my samples in person...My first appointment was awkward, I was very nervous as well as excited! I was having that feeling, you know the feeling, the "this is it, I'm on my way" feeling. Thinking all the hard work has finally paid off and she is going to place a huge order, and I will be well on my way as a pattern designer!...well, that's not what happened... The appt. lasted maybe 15 Min's. No order, nothing...I was more than deflated...I keep telling myself that this IS what I am suppose to be doing. Then I think why is it not working in the way I think it should be? I agonize over it all the time, should I or shouldn't I! I pray about it daily, I figured since nothing else has come up, no other doors seem to be open, that this has to be what I am meant to do...Design stitchery patterns, create ads, make goodies, teach others how to stitch! So far anyway...
Harvest Moon Wool Applique
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Ok, so I get back into my truck, feeling defeated, and I start praying, I ask "Your Will Father! Take this doubt from me and lead me". I have to leave it in His hands. He is my confidant! So I head out to my next appointment, it's about a 50 min drive, so I have plenty of time to regroup and talk to God. I show up at my next appointment, of course not feeling as confident as before. But, I made it here and she seems nice, so here I go. She took her time, looked over a few pieces, called her employees over to ask their opinion, I walked around for what seemed forever. I didn't want to seem desperate! Even though I was! Desperate to find out if they liked it, if it would fit their shop, if I really had what it takes to be here, in this business...Finally after what seemed hours, she placed an order! My first wholesale order!!! woo hoo!!! I was totally blown away! So while my insides were doing cartwheels, I had to wear my poker face and conduct myself as a professional business womanpatterns that I had Not a bad first sale. I was happy. I felt vindicated, I have something to offer the pattern world! Thank you Mary! Now I'm feeling a little better about things, not so defeated. I head down to my next appointment here in town. I meet with her and her new shop, which is darling, She loves my dish towels and places an order. Ok now that feeling of "I'm on my way" is coming back. Only not as cocky as before, definitely way more humble, much more balanced! I know I am where I am suppose to be. Otherwise I would be some place else. I just have to keep the faith. I also have to remember, not everyone will love what I do, so I just have to accept that and continue forward. I have to let God open the doors for me and try not to push so hard against the flow...
It's hard to just let go and let God...but trust me it's the best decision you can make. He will lead you right where you need to be. My problem is that it's not always in my time frame, it's in I grow impatient, and oftentimes pick up where I left off. I don't always give God the proper time to work things out for me...I need to learn if I'm going to ask for His help, I have to wait for Him to help me...Which is so difficult to do, but always worth it!
Well, I have babbled on long enough! I hope you have a wonderful week, and remember, no matter what, you are loved!
Thanks for stopping by,
Huggs, deb
Just more babbles from a simple mind. :)
Here is my schedule for Sept and Oct
I will be at the farmers market in Murrieta, this next week 9/11(oh)
I will have a booth at Motts Farm's, in Menifee, CA, Oct 1st.
I will be hosting a boutique here at my home, if you are in the area, let me know and I will gladly send you the info. Oct 7-8th
If you would like directions to any of these events, let me know via email or post here.
I also have a web site coming soon, I'll keep you posted!
Take care, Deb